Check The Map & Join Us AT Events Throuout The United States Organized By The Pope's Foundation.


Join Our Fight.
Save Lives.

The Pope’s Foundation was established in 2022 after witnessing the vast stigmas surrounding mental health in urban communities during the pandemic. As the world experienced many challenges beyond our imagination, the COVID epidemic took a major toll on the mental health of the entire world however, the effect was catastrophic in the urban communities. Communities that were already struggling with poverty, lack of resources, various life struggles felt the impact of this epidemic the worst.

Support & Resources

You are not alone.

When dealing with mental illness, it can feel like you are alone — but while each person's story is unique, you are far from alone in your struggles. In fact, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that one in five adults will experience mental illness in some form during any given year. The Pope’s Foundation is dedicated to providing events for you to obtain resources, educate yourself on mental health trends and treatments, and connect with others to see for yourself…. we are in this TOGETHER!

Social Awarness

Check out other community events and resources in mental health!

community events

community mental health resources

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